NFT Marketplace
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The benefits of the V3 Marketplace include:
Huge selection of game genres and NFT assets
The possibility of secondary sale of in-game content for projects hosted on V3 launchpad
Full media support from the V3 team
lowering the entry threshold to GameFi products for m3 guild members by using the scholarship module for guild members
Increasing profitability by leasing NFT GameFi projects using the scholarship module
INO Inside the NFT Marketplace, the possibility of initial launch of collections using INO is implemented. This mechanism and the audience of V3 Guild players, allows for fast and high-quality sales to the target playing audience. Scholarship This module is directly related to v3 Guild. It allows not only to increase the number of users in GameFi projects, but also to earn token's for all three parties: the Game, investors and scolar's
GameFi project's benefit
It has become easier to implement the secondary market of NFT, together with V3 Games. The target audience of v3 guild players, game collections and investors is what any GameFi project needs
Economy V3 provides cyclicity. The player does not need to leave the system, as it meets all his needs.