
The gaming industry is one of the fastest-growing industries and is experiencing its best period in the history of the Internet and mobile devices. The gaming economy is becoming increasingly competitive, attracting the attention of investors and users from all over the world.

The Gaming Market was valued at USD 188.40 billion in 2022, and it is expected to reach a value of USD 339.95 billion by 2027.

Out of this:

  • 52% - mobile games;

  • 20% - PC games;

  • 28% - console games.

The potential of blockchain technology grows every year. The GameDev industry is a prime example. It has absorbed and tried on new "features", such as DeFi services, which has attracted millions of new users. However, many game developers are not incorporating next-generation features into their projects, which deprives their audiences and hurts their projects in the long run. The GameFi sector in the first quarter of 2022 increased by 194.19% compared to the same period in 2021. In 2021, the market volume grew from $382.7 million to $1.9 billion. Experts say that the sector has not even entered the growth phase, but is only at the nascent stage. By 2025, growth is projected to reach $5 billion. According to a report by the analytical company Absolute Reports, the GameFi industry is expected to grow over the next six years. According to analysts, in the period from 2022 to 2028, the average annual growth rate of the Play-to-Earn segment will be 20.4%. The market volume of P2E projects may reach $2.8 billion by the end of the specified period. In the first quarter of 2022, the total trading volume in blockchain games amounted to $6,322 billion. The number of GameFi projects continues to grow and as of June 2022 has 1,551 games. ( source ) Major players of the classic GameDev industry are beginning to be interested in the GameFi industry Ubisoft, EA and Tencent have also entered the blockchain gaming industry, albeit to varying degrees.

Next-generation crypto gaming platforms, like V3Games, are taking full advantage of available technologies while innovating new features and capabilities. The V3G platform gives users unique financial opportunities through an incredible and holistic ecosystem that includes a GameFi Guild, Launchpad, Acceleration, NFT Marketplace, DEX, in house Game.

The entire process of creating and maintaining the project is handled by the specialists of V3's team, which consists of over 30 people.

New VTG play-to-earn platform Launchpad issuers have a unique opportunity not only to place their tokens on the launchpad, but also to receive targeted traffic from the work of the V3 Guild, as well as to receive feedback and advice from top e-sports players. They can earn tokens in the games themselves and further manage the development of the gaming ecosystem.

The V3 Games strategy is aimed at the systematic release of GameFi solutions that will be combined into one full-fledged ecosystem.

You can read a detailed development plan below in VTG RoadMap.

This holistic and incremental approach mitigates possible risks, increases the success of the project and provides the financial foundation for the crypto-game universe of the next generation.

The sooner we start interacting with the new generation technologies, such as Web 3.0, the sooner we can unlock all the opportunities available to us. V3Games brings the entire gaming industry together to do just that.

Monetize your playing time, develop and launch games, invest in game projects together with V3 Games!

Last updated